Las palabras de cada verso están desordenadas. Ordénalas.

             Suitcase by my hovering
          To trying find
          Spend to place night warm a the
         Is heavy rain falling
         Calling your hear voice I seems
         It’s all right.

         Georgia in night rainy a
         Night in Georgia rainy a
         Believe I raining over all Lord it’s world the
         Raining like all the world feel it’s I over

         Signs neon flashing are
         Buses and through night taxi the cabs passing
         Train moaning of distant a  a
         Sad to night seems a to the refrain play
         But it’s a rainy……………..

         Times many wondered I’ve how
         Out it same comes still the
         Look how it you no at matter there's
         Think of or it
         A lie it’s
         All game just and play the we

         Place box a in car me I a find
         Pass so take guitar my I time some to
         Rest hard when to it’s at late night but
         My picture chest your to I hold
         Fine fine I I feel feel then

         But it’s …………….
         Baby, it’s ………….
         Lord, I believe it’s …………
         Raining, …………………….

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